@misc{80219, keywords = {newsletter}, author = {Hannah Cloke and J. Thielen and Florian Pappenberger and S. Nobert and G. Balint and C. Edlund and A Koistinen and C de Saint-Aubin and E Sprokkereef and C. Viel and P. Salamon and Roberto Buizza}, title = {Progress in the implementation of Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Systems (HEPS) in Europe for operational flood forecasting}, year = {2009}, journal = {ECMWF Newsletter}, chapter = {Meteorology}, pages = {20-24}, month = {2009}, publisher = {ECMWF}, url = {https://www.ecmwf.int/node/17478}, doi = {10.21957/bn6mx5nxfq}, language = {eng}, }